About Oakstead

Oakstead Tree & Property Care is a family business that has operated in the lower Victoria island region for 10 years. Richard and Jon Heinrichs are the “roots” of this company. When one of us comes to help you, you’re in good hands. In addition, we bring an enormous range of tree care knowledge from mechanical support to environmental protection.

We have all the major certifications that allow us to handle even the biggest problems. As well, what differentiates us from the single man teams out there, we own all the tools and equipment necessary to support our client’s needs.

Unlike some giant corporations, we’re the company that you can rely on. We respond to every estimate request. Frankly, we know how annoying it is when you send an email into the void. Did it send? Is the company on a break? We care about our clients, and want you to feel cared for.

Richard Heinrichs has practiced in the field of tree care and forest management in British Columbia for over 40 years; from urban forestry and assessing individual trees in our backyards, and tree care planning through development, to planning forest management in entire watersheds. He has worked all over British Columbia (Vancouver Island, Skeena, and the Southern Interior), with some of the best foresters, ecologists, biologists, hydrologists, agronomists, and arborists in the province. 

He began his career “in the trees” in Gold River on Vancouver Island in 1979 with the BC Forest Service, working in Silviculture. As the years progressed Richard expanded his experience into Forest Mensuration, Log Scaling, Timber Harvest, Timber Appraisal, Fire Suppression, Insects and Disease management, Waste and Residue Assessment, and really, worked in all facets of the field of Forestry. 

Then, as a Forest Ecosystem Biologist, Richard worked with Government and Forest Industry to implement best forest practices for Biodiversity, Fish and Wildlife Habitat on the ground, through forest management planning.  He represented Min of Forest, Land, and Operations in the development of 3 provincial land use plans, and directed implementation for Forest Biodiversity, Fisheries, and Wildlife Habitat objectives. Together with his colleagues he has developed innovative ecosystem-based forest and tree management solutions and several forest, and watershed scale biodiversity plans, particularly Ecosystem Based Riparian Area plans, that are still implemented on the ground today.
10 years ago, after Richard was Certified as an Arborist by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) he began a shift into Arboriculture (Urban Forestry). He is Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) by the Int Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and certified by the Province of BC as a Wildife/Danger Tree Assessor. Today he focuses primarily on Consulting Services like Tree Risk Assessment, Tree Management Planning through urban & rural property development, and Ecosystem-based property design. He is also responsible for training of staff in the field of arboriculture and forestry.

Furthermore, Richard has a long history in Gardening and Small-scale Farming. He was born out of quite a unique farming culture. He lived and worked the first 17 years of his life on the Experimental Farm at the University of Manitoba. After college, and since settling onto his first plot of land 40 years ago, Richard and his wife Carli have been gardening, and raising small livestock. Over the years they have cleared land out of the bush, gardened in sand, clay, loam, swampland, and have developed regenerative agricultural methods as the standard for most clients today. In 2008 Richard completed training through the Environmental Farm Plan Program, a partnership between the governments of British Columbia, Canada, and the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. These days his work in Design and Property Planning is chosen carefully with a focus on Climate Change Resiliency, Biodiverse Landscapes (Wildscaping), and Regenerative Agriculture.

Today Richard combines his diverse education and experience to offer a unique array of Tree and Consulting Services to residential clients, property developers, and government.

Richard Heinrichs Profile
Jon Heinrichs Profile

Jon Heinrichs

Jon is Oakstead’s operations and office manager. As well, he is the company’s field leader. He has over 15 years of experience in the field and works on many of our projects.

From 2006 to 2011, Jon worked in Saanich during the summers managing his landscaping company, College Guys Labour. From 2011 to 2014, Jon ran this company full-time, growing it to support more than 500 regular clients and a three-man crew, before forming Oakstead. Jon has completed his Arborist certifications, and is certified to climb and assess a variety of trees in British Columbia.