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Garden Design

We specialize in design using trees, shrubs, and perennials that are either native to the South Island, or, drought tolerant (xeric) ornamental trees, plants, and perennial species. Our gardens are intended to be beautiful and resilient to the changing climate. We call it NatureScaping. We can start your NatureScape for you, or renovate your existing yard.

WildScaping is a unique service that we offer to establish wildlife habitat elements (water, food, shelter, breeding habitat) within your gardens or estate. Wildscapes share many basic design and maintenance principles:

  • Create diverse layers and shelter
  • Grow natural food
  • Provide water for drinking and bathing
  • Control invasive species
  • Conserve: water, energy and reduce chemicals

This design can include the installation of ponds, rocks, logs, wildlife trees, bird houses, and native pollinator boxes, and more, depending on what your property has to offer.

Unsure about how to proceed? Give us a call and tell us what you have in mind. You might be surprised at how much you already have to offer our native wildlife. Even better, include a neighbor or two in your vegetation design and provide “connected” habitat.