BC Wildlife/Danger Tree Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is not simply to determine if a tree is dangerous, but additionally, to determine its value for wildlife. What is a wildlife tree? According to the Wildlife Tree Committee of BC “A Wildlife Tree is any standing dead or live tree with special characteristics that provide valuable habitat for the conservation or enhancement of wildlife.” What constitutes a good Wildlife tree on the west coast?… trees with several of these characteristics:

  • Douglas Fir, Cottonwood, Cedar, Hemlock, True Firs
  • Greater than 15m in height
  • Greater than 70cm in diameter
  • Wind firm, with sound root system
  • Broken top
  • Some large branches
  • Loose bark with space behind
  • Nest cavities and feeding holes
  • Some evidence of decay, particularly internal (i.e. conks or cankers)
  • A sound firm shell
  • Suited to species

More than 80 species of vertebrate (birds & mammals) and countless invertebrates (insects), plants, fungi and bacteria, in British Columbia, depend on these habitat features for part of their life cycle. And these features are becoming increasingly hard to find. Does your tree have wildlife value? Is it safe? Call Oakstead Tree & Property Care. We can help you make the determination. We can even help you with determine which are the most important trees for local species. In the past Richard developed keys and flow charts to assist logging companies with choosing the best Wildlife Tree candidates for their area. Over the course of his career, Richard, through assessment and planning of Wildlife Trees and Old Growth reserves, has saved and established countless wildlife trees in British Columbia.