Tree Risk Analysis and Tree Reports

Are you worried about the safety of your tree? Richard is Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (by the International Society of Arboriculture), as well as being Certified by the Province of BC, and Worksafe BC, as a Wildlife/Danger Tree Assessor. Additional related services provided are increment boring and Air Spade service.

Only established, recognized, and comprehensive survey systems are used to conduct risk assessments. Reports, including photos, are prepared for you with each assessment, providing you with an essential tool should you wish to apply for a tree cutting permit, or as a requirement for property development. Oakstead would also be happy to take care of the tree permit application for you.

If you’d like to just get the conversation started, or want to schedule a viewing of your trees in the Saanich and Victoria area, please give us a call at 250-652-9223 or fill out our online contact form and we’ll get right back to you.

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